post your requests, ideas, suggestions..  let's talk!

'Image Downloader' freeware update -
Finally a new update to this freeware is available. It was still working ok with older IE versions, but stoped working a while back with new ones, as it seems.. Anyway, to cut a long story short, this new version can search and download pics as it is suposed to do - correctly - using all new versions of software and.. etc.. smile

Just go to the freeware webpage and download this new updated version.
27 Nov 2010 by Jose Falcao

'Web Downloader' freeware update -
As stated bellow, a new update to 'Web Downloader' freeware is available, with version

This version is fully Win7 (32 and 64bit) compatible. As the latest versions of Windows have UAC - user account control - that is supposed to protect users from tampering, among other stuff, with the Registry, and as this freeware is able to download anything and accepts links directly from Internet Explorer by draging and droping on it's window, I had to make some changes, namelly to let WebDownloader register itself as a 'DropTarget' in Windows Registry, for it to be able to accept the above mentioned drag and drop of links.

As it is, the first time you run the software, it will ask you to let it make a small adition to your Registry. Nothing serious, but you might get scared by Windows asking you to allow it to do the change right afterwards... No worries though, as it just adds a small key in the 'DragDrop' key of Internet Explorer.

If you don't really want to drag and drop links from IE directly to WebDownloader, just cancel it and everything else on my freeware will still work as it should, including the 'monitor the clipboard' thing smile

Still, if you have any doubts or issues about this, just email me, ok?
31 Oct 2010 by Jose Falcao

All software updated!
All the freeware has been updated again, as i got my Win7 (64bit) new computer at last smile

All software is Win7 64bit compatible now, a few changes were needed and it really took a while to do it all! Lots of time spent on all freeware, programing, but i guess you all deserve it. smile smile

If you are still using any older version of any of the freeware - you shouldn't but.. anyway - here goes the list with everything new:

• File Renamer - version
• Image Downloader - (not yet updated)
• Web Downloader - ver - see more info above..
• Wv Player - ver
• Pic Viewer - version
• ToDo Reminder - version
• Mini Calculator - version
• Porta'Menu - version
• My Agenda - ver
• File Spliter - version
• Favorite Tree - version
• Date Reminder- version
• Calendar - version
• Watch timer - version

And, as always, you can download everything - free - from the freeware webpage, so go there now and check everything out, ok? Well.. it's free anyway! wink
31 Oct 2010 by Jose Falcao

'Date Reminder' freeware update -
And last but not least, 'Date Reminder' freeware has also been updated to version

Thanks to TonyD for caring to let me know that it was showing an "I/O error 103" when exiting the freeware from a right click when minimized... What I did was just a quick hack to solve this, and will improve it in a future version.

This new version can be downloaded from here.
05 Sep 2010 by Jose Falcao

'ToDo Reminder' freeware update -
'ToDo Reminder' freeware has been updated to version

Again, it has grown a few versions already since last posting here, same reasons as bellow.. wassat

I use this one all the time, so have been making some small changes, correcting bugs, you know.. making it better for everyone smile

And, as always, this new version can be downloaded from here. It's free, folks! So send me your suggestions, ideas and... donations wink
05 Sep 2010 by Jose Falcao

'Wv player' freeware update -
My multimedia player, 'Wav player', has been updated to version As you see, it has grown a few versions already since last posting, which means developement has been going on, just the annoucing part on this blog has freezed for a while... wassat

Anyway.. WvPlayer now is multiselect which means you can select a bunch of files in it's main window and play them all in a row. Of course, it already had a 'Play list' window, much better when you want to create... duhh.. play lists. smile

Apart from this, the program is the same, freeware as always, and can be downloaded from the freeware webpage as usual - but I guess you already knew this also ... wink
05 Sep 2010 by Jose Falcao

Some of my (our) favourite songs..
And there's a  new topic created on this blog  were I'm going to post some ramblings about music, favourite songs, some data, whatever I feel like to share regarding music and songs - really, the food for our souls wink

This will only be maintained on a non regular basis and, of course, everyone is free to post comments, links, opinions, requests, about any tunes that he/she feels like it.

Hope you all enjoy it smile   Just go check it here..

So, welcome everybody !!
31 Jul 2010 by Jose Falcao

All software updated!
And as I am at it, let's just update the freeware situation with the actual versions each one alredy is on, shall we? If you have any older version of any one - you shouldn't smile but.. anyway - here goes the list with everything new:

•    StockControl - version

•    File Renamer - version
•    Image Downloader - version
•    Web Downloader - ver
•    Wv Player - ver
•    Pic Viewer - version
•    ToDo Reminder - version
•    Mini Calculator - version
•    Porta'Menu - version
•    My Agenda - ver
•    File Spliter - version
•    Favorite Tree - version
•    Date Reminder- version
•    Calendar - version
•    Watch timer - version
•    Watch timer (with skins) - version

And, as always, you can download everything - free - from the freeware webpage, so go there now and check everything out, ok? Well.. it's free anyway! wink
26 Jul 2010 by Jose Falcao

And I'm back here (again) !!
And I am back here (again)! As I'm sure everybody noticed, this blog has been a bit slow for more than a couple of months, no news lately, but freeware development has never stoped - development has always been active, following some users feedback and suggestions - just no time to post the news to this blog, sorry... wassat

Of course, as you know, professional support has never stopped also, only this blog news part of the webpage.

Thank you all very much for all the people that cared to email back! And, hey, keep sending your comments and suggestions, ok? Thank you all! smile
26 Jul 2010 by Jose Falcao

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