post your requests, ideas, suggestions..  let's talk!

'Pic Viewer' freeware update -
'Pic Viewer' (and editor) freeware has been updated to version, correcting a few more small bugs, adding a few cosmetic changes and options, and adding some improvements to the code inside, for more efficiency.

You can download this latest version - and all other freeware - from our freeware page, as always.
19 Jan 2014 by Jose Falcao

All software approved as safe by Softpedia
All our freeware has been checked and awarded a "100% Clean Program" certification by Softpedia, testing and approving it as containing no viruses, spyware and adware of any kind and being completely safe to install.

And if you want to, you can check the individual certification reports directly at their site at:

File Renamer . Web Downloader . Date Reminder . File Spliter . Agenda . ToDo List . Wav Player . Favorite Tree . Pic Viewer . Porta Menu . Mini Calculator . Stock Control

This is nothing that we didn't already know ourselves, of course, but that's always good to have a third party - like this so well known and trusted Softpedia site - certifying all our software too. smile
18 Jan 2014 by Jose Falcao

2 of my freeware removed...
The 'Calendar' and 'Watch' freeware utilities have been removed from the downloads, as they were quite old and development on those two was almost inexistent, due to lack of feedback - among other things. Nevertheless, if you want a copy of it, just let me know and I'll email it to anyone that requests it smile

Everything else, from the 'File Renamer' to the 'Web Downloader' to the 'WV Player' and all the rest, can always be downloaded for FREE from the freeware webpage and is being continuously developed and improved for more than 10 years already!
18 Jan 2014 by Jose Falcao

Seasons Greetings
Dear Friends, we want to thank you all for your help and interest on our behalf during this past year, for all your support, and sincerely want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year of 2014, in good health and in the company of everyone that is dear to your heart! I sincerely wish all the best to every single one of you,

with kind regards, Jose Falcao
26 Dec 2013 by Jose Falcao

'Wv player' freeware update -
And as I am here already, just a little anoucement that was due last summer already! wassat My freeware multimedia player, 'Wav player', has been updated up to version with the addition of a new command line switch //s to immediatly stop any kind of playback lauched from the command line previously.

Instructions and examples of how to use it are on the txt file that goes with the software, when you download it - too lazy today to write it all down here.. sorry wink

As always, all new versions of my many freeware(s) can be freely downloaded from the freeware webpage, as you already know.
26 Dec 2013 by Jose Falcao

Technorati blog verification...
In order to verify (again..) my blog really is.. hmmm.. mine smile and that the changes made are ok, here is the post with the verification code supplied: 2YNPEVRVS2ME

Guess this is it.. Now let's just wait... wassat
26 Dec 2013 by Jose Falcao

'Wv player' freeware update -
Freeware multimedia player, 'Wav player', has been updated up to version

New track bars, with position moving to the main window, as requested by a few users - but with a new option on the menu to hide it away at will. A few bugs corrected on the process, some new menus and a few other bits... smile

As always, all new versions can be freely downloaded from the freeware webpage, where all my freeware is located.
13 Apr 2013 by Jose Falcao

Some soft(free)ware updated!
Some of the freeware has been updated again, up to the following versions:

  • File Renamer - ver
  • Web Downloader - ver
  • ToDo Reminder - version
  • Date Reminder- version

If you are still using any older version of any of the software - you shouldn't be, but.. you can download everything - free - from the freeware webpage. Well.. it's free anyway! wink
30 Mar 2013 by Jose Falcao

'Web Downloader' freeware update -
'Web Downloader' has been updated to version

A couple small bugs that were introduced with the last big modifications - don't you just hate when that happens!! Nothing serious tho, just a few interface glitchs. Also the right-click menu is cleaner now, not so long, with menus rearranged in submenus and categories. A new 'delete filter' has been added, for files with no extension in it.

The Web Browser context menu creator utility (WD_ct_menu.exe) has also been updated, as Opera has changed it's 'standard_menu.ini' file location from folder '\Opera\default\' to folder '\Opera\ui\' on the more recent versions... Thank you Napiophelios for calling my atention to the fact that this utility was not finding Opera's ini file.

Download and check this new update from the freeware webpage, as always.
04 Mar 2012 by Jose Falcao

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