post your requests, ideas, suggestions..  let's talk!

Seasons Greetings
Dear Friends, we want to thank you all for your help and interest on our behalf during this past year, for all your support, and sincerely want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year of 2022, in good health and in the company of everyone that is dear to your heart!

May the new year bring a little more peace, happiness and... safety. I sincerely wish all the best to every single one of you,

with kind regards, Jose Falcao
23 Dec 2021 by Jose Falcao

'Biorhythm' freeware update -
'Biorhythm' graphic and analyzer is updated again, up to version

It now shows a little graph showing where you are percentually on each Biologic Rhythm and if it's going up (improving) or down (take care..).

A small toolbar is also added to the lower part on the interface, with some extra options and, mainly, a new button to the right of the profile selector (name) - the button with the little red arrow - takes you to a simple interpretation on 'today' of your personal graph!

All in all, this software keeps evolving wink! As always, you can download it for FREE, as well as all our other FREEware, from my freeware webpage.
08 Oct 2021 by Jose Falcao

'Biorhythm' freeware update -
This 'Biorhythm' reader and analyzer has already been updated a couple times, being now at version

A lot of improvements have been introduced already, and a few more will in the near future! We now have a 'help' file where, apart of concise description of this software and what it can do, there's also a chapter explaining what BioRhythms are and how to interpret them on your daily life.

It now has and shows you two extra rythms: Spiritual and Aesthetic, that can de selected when clicking on the 'Draw extra rythms' from the main 'Program' menu.

A couple small bugs have been corrected and a 'chart' system has been added on the right bottom corner, showing your progress on each biorythm cycle for the current day.

And a few more things.. And, as always, this and all other freeware programs can be downloaded directly from my freeware webpage.
02 Oct 2021 by Jose Falcao

'Biorhythm' freeware -
There is a new FREEware utility available for anyone to download! smile

'Biorhythm' is a small free software that will draw your own personal Biorhythm cycles, based on your birthday date, so that you can better analize your Biologic Rhythm cycles: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Intuitional. A somewhat interesting information to have at hand and help you better understand how they will affect emotions, alertness and readiness, among other things.

The Biorhythm theory is based on the idea that our daily lives are significantly affected by rhythmic cycles with periods of exactly 23, 28 and 33 days, typically a 23-day physical cycle, a 28-day emotional cycle, and a 33-day intellectual cycle.

With this software, you can add as many persons as you want to it and have it draw the rythms for everyone. It'll draw all rythms for one year span of time.

This is still a first version of the software - which is and will allways be FREE - and I hope to be adding a lot of new features to it as time goes by. Of course, if any of you has any suggestions, ideas or.. criticisms, just let me know and I'll surely add anything to the 'Biorhythm' freeware! smile

And, as always, this and all other freeware programs can be downloaded directly from my freeware webpage.
28 Sep 2021 by Jose Falcao

'Web Downloader' freeware update -
And finally, our 'Web Downloader', the freeware internet download manager, has been updated to version

A lot of a lot of code was changed, some code that was not needed anymore - since Windows and all browsers keep changing things - has been removed. The "context menu" utility has been removed too, since most recent web browsers require an 'extension' to do it and it's not easy to do it from a foreign software that they didn't 'approve' in the first place... wassat

The HELP file has been updated too, including now all the new options and resources, as well as new pictures of the freeware. There's a new section about the companion "Drop Box" too, useful when you just want to drag'n'drop items to Web Donload's window without all the clutter on your PC's desktop.

I still use this software myself all the time, as I feel it's the easiest and most option packed of all available - and it's FREE, on top of that. smile

And, as always, this and all other freeware programs can be downloaded directly from my freeware webpage.
22 Sep 2021 by Jose Falcao

'Mini Calculator' freeware update -
The very small 'Mini Calculator' has been updated to version

This very small freeware is a very unobtrusive calculator for your desktop, being - maybe - the smalest Windows calculator on the market! And it's FREE! It has a "paper clip" where it shows you all calculations (with the option to save all to disk for future reference) and also has a bunch of scientific functions on the side, among other little things. smile

As always, this and all other freeware is available from the freeware webpage, so... why not test it?
31 Aug 2021 by Jose Falcao

FREE software? Yes, it is!
Everything on the freeware webpage has always been free and it will be kept like this. Nevertheless, downloads are now well above 200 Mb per day, and it is costing a bit to maintain it...

So if you want to help support this freeware page and if you like using the freeware available and want to see it get improved, as it has been often, just go to the donations page and.. well, you know what it is for... smile

There is a very nice article, by the way, that you can check regarding FREE software and what most people usually think - not correctly - it is.

And, of course, keep sending me feedback on all the programs, your suggestions and opinions, what you would like to see modified or improved - and a few donations to help keep all this going - as hearing from you is what really helps me keep motivated to further develop those utility programs making them better for everyone.
29 Aug 2021 by Jose Falcao

'Image Downloader' freeware update -
The 'Image Downloader' freeware has been updated again, up to version

The search method and search engine used by Image Downloader (and searcher) has been changed again, making it work just fine all over again. Search engines are always changing and it is sometimes hard to keep up with all the modifications. wassat

Nowadays, if we want to use any software to reach and deliver any search engine searches, we have to use their 'Search APIs' which are not free anymore. So, in effect, we have to pay to do our own private use - and it costs a lot of $$ per month for any subscription! It'll be increasingly difficult to keep this working for free but, so far.... wink

Anyway, it is running as intended again.

New downloads available at the freeware page as always.
29 Aug 2021 by Jose Falcao

'Pic Viewer' (and editor) freeware update -
The 'Pic Viewer' (and editor) freeware has been updated to version, with some more image modifying filters, a new up to date help file, and some improvements to the code inside, for more speed and efficiency.

This looks like a simple image viewer but, like all our freeware, if you delve on it you'll find so much more in terms of options, modifying filters, and some more..

And as always, you can download this latest version - and all other freeware - from our freeware page.
22 Aug 2021 by Jose Falcao

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